
Post your questions or comments to the AE Creations forums, hosted on Please search the forum topics first to see if your question has already been answered.

Anyone can browse the forum posts, but to create a new post or reply to existing posts, you must  subscribe to the forum. To get started, send an email to the subscribe email address listed in the forum home page. If you prefer to post to the forum through the web interface, you'll need to register for a account.

Bug Reporting

Use the following links to browse for or report an issue for a specific extension. You must have an account on GitHub to create a new issue.

Clippings for Firefox: Browse open issues New issue
Clippings for Thunderbird: Browse open issues New issue
Panic Button: Browse open issues New issue
Read Next: Browse open issues New issue

Alternatively, you can post your bug report to the AE Creations forums.