This update to Clippings 2.0 fixes a serious bug where data migrated from Clippings 1.x was lost if a "save" action was not performed when restarting Firefox after upgrading from Clippings 1.x to 2.0. (Users affected by this bug can learn how to rescue their Clippings data in the
Clippings 2.0 Release Notes.)
Clippings 2.0.1 is now available for download from the Clippings website,, or from the download link below:
clippings-2.0.1.xpi (89 KB; compatible with Firefox 1.5 - 1.5.0.x and Thunderbird 1.5 - 1.5.0.x)
Supported languages: English (United States), Chinese (traditional and simplified), French, German, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Ukrainian.
If you already have Clippings installed, it will be upgraded for you if automatic extension updates are enabled in Firefox. Otherwise, open the Extension Manager in Firefox, then right-click on the entry for Clippings in the list of installed extensions and choose Find Update.
More information on new features introduced in Clippings 2.0,
getting started and how to
report a bug can be found in the
Clippings 2.0 announcement. Don't forget to read the
Release Notes which also details known issues and things you should know.
Firefox 2.0 beta 1 users: A special build of Clippings 2.0.1 for this Firefox beta build is also available. The XPI is available from here: