05 August 2019

Clippings for Thunderbird 5.7 beta 2 released!

This is the second beta release of an upcoming version of Clippings for Thunderbird that will be compatible with Thunderbird 68, and comes with a few improvements over the first beta. It is being made available for testing, and although it is in a fairly stable beta-quality state, expect to encounter the inevitable bugs.

Read on to learn what's new in Clippings for Thunderbird 5.7 and how to get it.

What's New
  • Compatible with Thunderbird 68
  • You can now choose how you want the date or time to be formatted for the $[DATE] and $[TIME] placeholders; for example, the date with the day of the week included, or the time given in the 24-hour clock. To add a formatted date or time placeholder to your clipping, open Clippings Manager, turn on the Placeholder Toolbar (Tools → Show/Hide menu), then from the toolbar, click Presets and select Formatted Date/Time
  • Special characters (question mark, parentheses, quotation marks, asterisk, common currency symbols, etc.) can now be used in default values for placeholders. Note that the pipe symbol (|), curly braces ({}) and square brackets([]) cannot be used.
  •  Fixed in 5.7b2  Regression issues with the Paste Clipping By Name dialog
  •  Fixed in 5.7b2  Find Clippings/Folders in Clippings Manager doesn't work (issue #37)
  •  Fixed in 5.7b2  Missing add-on icon in Add-ons Manager (issue #35)

Things You Should Know About
  • Rearranging clippings and folders in Clippings Manager by drag and drop in the clippings tree is no longer possible. Use the Move toolbar button to select a folder to move or copy to, or right-click and select the Cut, Copy and Paste menu options. To rearrange items within a folder, select the folder, click the Arrange toolbar button, then in the dialog that appears, you can use drag and drop to rearrange the items in the selected folder.
  • It is no longer possible to drag selected text to the Clippings status bar icon to create a clipping from the selected text. Instead, copy the text to the clipboard and then select New From Clipboard from the status bar icon's context menu.
  • To display the extension preferences dialog, open Clippings Manager, then select Tools → Options. The Clippings preferences dialog is not accessible from Add-ons Manager.
  • If a shortcut key is assigned to a synced clipping, and the shortcut key assignment conflicts with another clipping, the synced clipping will lose its assigned key in favor of the other clipping

Not Compatible With Thunderbird 60.x

Clippings 5.7 is compatible with Thunderbird 68. It is not compatible with Thunderbird 60.x. Users of Thunderbird 60.x should install Clippings for Thunderbird 5.6, available from the AE Creations website.

If you want Clippings for Firefox Quantum, you'll need to install Clippings 6, available from Mozilla Add-ons and the AE Creations website.

How to Get It

Current beta users should be upgraded to this release automatically, if automatic add-on updates are turned on in Add-ons Manager.

Users trying out the beta release for the first time should head over to the Clippings 5.7 beta 2 page on GitHub. Right-click on the link for clippings-tb-5.7b2.xpi and select Save As, then choose a folder location on your system (for example, the Desktop). Then follow these step-by-step instructions from the Mozilla Support website to install Clippings in Thunderbird.

Help and Support

Questions and comments about Clippings should be directed to the AE Creations Help and Support forums, hosted on Google Groups.

If you find a bug, you may file a bug report on GitHub. Please search the issues list first to confirm that your issue has not already been reported.

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