08 May 2024

Monthly update: May 2024

Much progress has been made on the next version of Clippings for Thunderbird, and I plan on releasing the first beta build to testers and early adopters soon. Separators in the Clippings menu, compressed sync data, and user interface improvements are just a few things to look forward to in Clippings for Thunderbird 7.0!

In the meantime, minor updates to Clippings, Clippings for Thunderbird and Read Next will be coming in mid-May, at around the same time that Firefox 126 is due to be released. After that, I'll be switching my focus to Clippings for Firefox, beginning with migrating the extension to Manifest V3 (MV3) which is expected to be a fairly large effort. Most of the new features and improvements that are coming in Clippings for Thunderbird 7.0 will also be included.

Working on these projects take a lot of time, effort and motivation to bring them to fruition for you and thousands of users around the world. Show your support for my work by making a donation through Liberapay or PayPal. Your generosity is very much appreciated!

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