06 September 2024

Monthly update: September 2024

After months of work, the official release of Clippings 7.0, an upcoming version of the extension for Firefox and Thunderbird that lets you save frequently-entered text for later pasting into web page forms and email messages, is now in sight! The latest beta releases of Clippings 7.0 and Clippings for Thunderbird 7.0 are expected to be the last ones before the eventual release candidate builds. With Clippings now feature complete, I'm now focused on fixing the remaining minor bugs and making several improvements to the UI to give it an updated look and feel.

Testers are still needed to try out the new features and improvements and look for any bugs. If you find a bug, report it using the issue tracker in the GitHub project for Clippings or Clippings for Thunderbird.

Translators are also needed to update the UI strings that have been added for this release. If you're fluent in English and another world language and would like to help, get started by joining the Crowdin project for Clippings!

This is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of Clippings and make it better for yourself and hundreds of thousands of users around the world. Contributors to Clippings 7.0 will have their efforts recognized and credited on this blog in the official release post.

Other Projects

Some of the UI updates found in Clippings 7.0 will be ported over to Panic Button, so watch for a minor update for this Firefox extension later this month.

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